Saturday, June 4, 2011

Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Expert: Lip Reduction

Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Expert: Lip Reduction: "Overview of the surgery: Lip Reduction, also called reduction cheiloplasty, is the procedure to remove excess lip tissue to reduce the appe..."

Lip Reduction

Overview of the surgery:
Lip Reduction, also called reduction cheiloplasty, is the procedure to remove excess lip tissue to reduce the appearance of overly large lips.
Lip reduction is performed by making an incision in the length of your lip inside your mouth and then removing a strip of skin from one or both lips, depending upon the look you want to achieve. Your Surgeon will aim to enhance the mouth and lips area to complement your facial features, giving you a softened, natural mouth.

Duration of the operation:
The procedure takes only about 30 minutes - 1 hour.

Post operative care:
You may notice a change in your smile, odd sensations of “hollowness”, tingling, the sporadic sharp pain, or “pulling”, burning, and cold sensation. Take it easy and sleep on two pillows to keep your head elevated for around 7-14 days or how long your surgeon suggests. Remember that swelling and bruising id perfectly normal after surgery but this will clear up after a few weeks. You should expect to see the final results from lip reduction surgery in about 3 months. Because of the swelling your lips may look larger after the procedure than before but they will settle in time

Recovery period:
Your swelling will subside within a few weeks, but usually the final result will be visible after about 3 months of the surgical procedure. These usually subside within the first few weeks. You can return to work at 5 to 7 days – but it depends upon type of your work. If you have a sedentary (desk job) with little or no amount of talking it is ok to resume your work after about a week.
Give yourself a week after the completion of your lip reduction surgery returning to your normal routine.It’s also advisable to refrain from participating in contact sports for at least six to eight weeks.

Possible risk and complications:
All surgery has risks and complications. With lip reduction, these risks include allergic reaction to the anesthesia and infection. There is also the risk of asymmetry and/or cosmetic dissatisfaction. Numbness is also possible, but this usually subsides within the first few weeks. Excess scar tissue and lumps in your newly-thinned lips may also occur. If your lips are too thin as a result of lip reduction surgery, lip augmentation may help correct this.

Anesthesia use:
The procedure can be performed under local and or regional anesthesia although some surgeons may choose to perform it under Light Sleep anesthesia.

Hospital admission:
It depends on your preferences as well as your surgeon’s. Lip reduction can be performed on an out patient basis, in the hospital, or in an ambulatory surgical suite.

Preparation before Surgery
  • Assessment of the medical history (any allergies, serious medical condition and all medications taken both prescribed and non-prescribed), physical examination, and laboratory tests will be performed during consultation.
  • Blood and urine samples will be collected for routine preoperative laboratory tests.
  • Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process.
  • You will likely to be asked to stop drinking alcohol, a week before the surgery and throughout your recovery period.
  • Avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.
For more information you may contact the information below: 
Mobile#: +66830868173
 Line app: osias05
Whats app, Viber: +66830868173

Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Expert: Old Fractured Nose Surgery

Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Expert: Old Fractured Nose Surgery: "Overview of the surgery: Old Fractured Nose is a break or crack in a bone in your nose, often the bone over the bridge of your nose..."

Old Fractured Nose Surgery

Overview of the surgery:

Old Fractured Nose is a break or crack in a bone in your nose, often the bone over the bridge of your nose from severe accident which can cause serious breathing problems and crooked appearance that you might probably consider rhinoplasty. This is the procedure that surgeons most often make use of in order to fix patient’s nose and restore it to its former appearance. If you are unhappy of the results after the surgery, you can go for a revision rhinoplasty, where the surgeon can rectify the work done on your nose previously to have it restored to how it was originally was.
An incision through the outer nose is rarely required, since access can be gained through the nostrils. However, the septum will be incised to begin the reshaping process. The septum is straightened through partial removal or readjustment of the affected bone and cartilage. Cartilage will be incised, shaved, or sliced to make the septum lie in the middle of the nasal vault. Sometimes the cartilage in a malformed septum is altered until it is sufficiently weakened, and then the septum is built up again with autologous cartilage from another site in the individual's body. Bone is removed rather than shaped. The goal is always to correct the deformity while supporting the nose structure. In some cases, septoplasty will be done at the same time as reshaping of the outer nose (rhinoplasty).

Duration of the surgery:
The procedure usually takes around 1 hour or depending on the extent of correction.

Post operative care:
You need to get adequate rest in order to recover. A plastic splint molded to your nose will help maintain alignment.  Your air passage maybe temporarily blocked with gauze to control the bleeding.   The frames of glasses must be avoided to rest on the bridge of the nose for three weeks.

Recovery Period:
You should avoid blowing your nose altogether for the first 10 days. If there is swelling, cold showers can help reduce it to a certain degree. During this time, you will refrain from any strenuous activities as well as sneezing.

Possible risk and complications:
Infection is rare, but if it occurs it can cause significant problems. Lacerations cause scars. External scars sometimes need surgical revision. Internal nasal scars and deformities can increase your chance of nose bleeds. Damage to nerves can result in altered, diminished, or painful sensation or poor muscle function (paralysis). Injuries may obstruct the small holes that drain your sinuses. Pressure in sinuses can result in painful headaches.

Anesthesia use:
The procedure is performed with local, IV sedation or general anesthesia.

Hospital admission:
It depends on your preferences as well as your surgeon’s. Old fractured nose can be performed on an out patient basis, in the hospital, or in an ambulatory surgical suite.

Preparation before Surgery:
  • Assessment of the medical history (any allergies, serious medical condition and all medications taken both prescribed and non-prescribed), physical examination, and laboratory tests will be performed during consultation.
  • Blood and urine samples will be collected for routine preoperative laboratory tests. X-rays may be taken to evaluate the individual's bone structure.
  • Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process.
  • You will likely to be asked to stop drinking alcohol, a week before the surgery and throughout your recovery period.
  • Avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.
For more information you may contact the information below: 
Mobile#: +66830868173
 Line app: osias05
Whats app, Viber: +66830868173

Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Expert: Deviated Nose Surgery (Septoplasty)

Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Expert: Deviated Nose Surgery (Septoplasty): "Overview of the surgery: Deviated Nose (Septoplasty) is an operation to correct a deformity of the nasal septum. The usual purpose is to..."

Deviated Nose Surgery (Septoplasty)

Overview of the surgery:
Deviated Nose (Septoplasty) is an operation to correct a deformity of the nasal septum. The usual purpose is to improve nasal breathing, but it may also be performed to allow adequate examination of the inside of the nose for treatment of polyps, inflammation, tumors, or bleeding. When the nasal septum is deformed, there is no medicine that will cause it to be straightened, so surgery is the only solution to this problem.
A small incision is made inside the nose. The mucosal lining of the septum is detached from the cartilage and bones of the septum. The deviated portions of the septum are removed or straightened. The nasal lining mucous membrane is replaced.

Duration of the operation:
Septoplasty surgery to straighten the septum or remove the obstructing anatomy takes about an hour of operation.

Post operative Care:
Splints or packs are placed in the nose for a few days to help the septum to heal into its new position. These splints / packs have a straw that allows the patient to breathe from the nose and makes swallowing much easier. There are no external bruises or swelling of the eyes because the outer nasal bones are not broken or interfered with as in cosmetic nasal surgery. If an antibiotic is prescribed then it should be strictly followed to prevent infection.  Saline irrigation of the nasal cavity helps in speeding up healing process.

Recovery period:
The septoplasty recovery time normally ranges from one week to three weeks. Patient is advised to blow his nose only after a day or two and that too very gently. Only after a week or two are patients asked to blow their nose normally.

Possible risk and complications:
The undesirable results that may occur include: a hole in the septum, failure to completely improve breathing, bleeding (usually easy to control), wound infection, nasal crusting, and very rarely, a change in appearance. . There are risks with all surgical procedures. You should discuss all risks with your cosmetic surgeon.

Anesthesia used:
The procedure is performed with local, IV sedation or general anesthesia.
Hospital admission:
The patient can be discharge from the hospital on the same day of the surgery.

Preparation before Surgery:
  • Assessment of the medical history (any allergies, serious medical condition and all medications taken both prescribed and non-prescribed), physical examination, and laboratory tests will be performed during consultation.
  • Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process.
  • You will likely to be asked to stop drinking alcohol, a week before the surgery and throughout your recovery period.
  • Avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.

For more information you may contact the information below: 
Mobile#: +66830868173
 Line app: osias05
Whats app, Viber: +66830868173

Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Expert: Alar Resection

Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Expert: Alar Resection: "Overview of the surgery: Alar Resection is a cosmetic surgery procedure of the nose that narrows the wide flaring and large opening of t..."